Maritime consultancy and market information

A ship is continuously in operation. So, also our market intelligence is active 24/7. We continually scan the current purchasing and sales data of vessels in our niche market. We keep an eye on the market position, vision and activity of the various market players. We monitor the movement of financial markets, follow political developments, changing laws and regulations, and keep a finger on the pulse in many areas.

Because of our background, we are also regularly hired by banks for advising and practically supervising ship and fleet restructuring processes.

That way, we can do more than just mediate in buying and selling. We see both opportunities and threats, possible options and pitfalls. This gives our advice considerable added value.

Maritime consultancy and market information

A ship is continuously in operation. So, also our market intelligence is active 24/7. We continually scan the current purchasing and sales data of vessels in our niche market. We keep an eye on the market position, vision and activity of the various market players. We monitor the movement of financial markets, follow political developments, changing laws and regulations, and keep a finger on the pulse in many areas.

Because of our background, we are also regularly hired by banks for advising and practically supervising ship and fleet restructuring processes.

That way, we can do more than just mediate in buying and selling. We see both opportunities and threats, possible options and pitfalls. This gives our advice considerable added value.

Yes, i would like the help of a maritime consultant